WELCOME TO RESEARCH DAY, Salem State’s annual showcase and celebration of research, scholarship, and creative inquiry. Join us at any point in the day for engaging presentations, panel discussions, performances, and more.

The day begins with the Undergraduate Research Symposium from 9 am to 12 pm, followed by the BIAC Plenary at 12:15 pmand the Faculty and Graduate Research Symposium from 1:30 to 6 pm, with many events taking place throughout the day.

This digital program provides participants and attendees with a seamless, up-to-the-minute scheduling experience. The search function can help you find presenters and sessions, and the My Sched feature allows you to craft a tailored plan for the day. Happy exploring!

Questions before the event? Check the Research Day FAQs page or email ssu-crca@salemstate.edu


The Center for Research and Creative Activities, Frederick E. Berry Library, and School of Graduate Studies are thrilled to host you at this annual, growing event. This year, Research Day includes more than 350 presenters and participants representing all 30 academic departments on campus. 

NOTE: During the event, panelists and presenters in need of immediate technical assistance should call ITS at 978.542.2036 and then choose option 3.


* Can I invite my friends/family/supporters?
YES! This event is open to all Salem State community members, including family, friends, alumni, and other supporters. Please invite them to celebrate your accomplishments at this event.

* How do I request accommodations for this event?
For access and accommodation information, visit the SSU access webpage or email access@salemstate.edu.

* Where should presenters and visitors park?
Presenters, participants, and visitors can park in any C or F space in the 265 or 285 Canal Street parking lots, which are just across the street from the Bertolon Central Classroom Building. There is also ample parking at the O’Keefe Sports Complex and in the College Drive parking garage. SSU Police will not ticket parking in these lots on Friday, May 3.

However, please do not park in the A lot (Atlantic Hall Residents only) or the lot (Enterprise Center only). You will receive a parking ticket if you park in these spaces without a permit.

* Do presenters need to check in?

Yes. The check-in table will be on the first floor of the Bertolon Central Classroom Building. Students, staff, and faculty participants are asked to check in upon arrival to collect their Research Day lanyard, badge, ribbons, and event swag.

* When should I arrive?

This is a community event, and we strongly encourage students, staff, faculty, and visitors to attend as many sessions as possible throughout the day. 

  • Undergraduate poster presenters: setup 8:15-8:45 am
  • Undergraduate panelists and showcase presenters: arrive by 8:45 am
Undergraduate participants are expected to stay for the duration of the Undergraduate Symposium (until 12 pm). Please note that there are no classes on Research Day.

  • Faculty and graduate poster presenters: setup 3:30-4:15 pm
  • Faculty and graduate presenters involved in panels should arrive for check-in at least 30 minutes before their session begins.

* How much time do I have to present on a panel? Can I show slides?
Undergraduate panels are allotted 50 minutes. This allows for three student presenters, each with about 12 minutes to present, followed by a Q&A session at the end.

Faculty and graduate student panels are allotted 60 minutes. With three presenters, each gets about 15 minutes to present, also followed by a Q&A.

If your panel has more or fewer presenters, you'll need to coordinate a time schedule that suits everyone. We encourage you to organize this among yourselves.

Classrooms are equipped with projectors for presenters to use during their sessions. For ease of use, we highly recommend that presenters use laptops, rather than relying on the classroom computer.
  • To ensure smooth transitions and accommodate breaks between sessions, we kindly ask panel participants to be mindful of their time, with 5-10 minutes scheduled between each panel session.
  • Given the time constraints and potential technological issues, we highly recommend that panelists coordinate in advance to present slides from a single laptop.

* How do I cite a Research Day poster/presentation/performance on my resume or CV?
Research Day participants are encouraged to include Research Day on their resume/CV. To do so, you will create a citation for an academic conference presentation.

Examples of APA style citations:
  • Doe, J. (2024, May 3). Exploring the intersections of technology and society: A multidisciplinary approach. [Conference presentation]. Salem State Research Day, Salem, MA, United States.
  • Taylor, E. (2024, May 3). Unlocking the potential: Innovations in sustainable development[Poster session]. Salem State Research Day, Salem, MA, United States.
Examples of MLA style citations:
  • Doe, Jane, panelist. "Exploring the Intersections of Technology and Society: A Multidisciplinary Approach." Panel discussion. Salem State Research Day, 3 May 2024, Bertolon Central Classroom Building, Salem State University, Salem, MA.
  • Taylor, Elizabeth, presenter. "Unlocking the Potential: Innovations in Sustainable Development." Poster session. Salem State Research Day, 3 May 2024, Bertolon Central Classroom Building, Salem State University, Salem, MA.

Do you have a question that isn't answered here? Email CRCA at ssu-crca@salemstate.edu

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